What To Expect From Your First Divorce Meeting With An Attorney

The legal process of getting a divorce can be lengthy and drawn out. With so many laws and deadlines, it's no wonder the very first piece of advice anyone will give is to find a qualified, experienced family law attorney to take on your case. Did you know in actuality, any attorney can handle your divorce for you? That's right, any tax attorney, corporate lawyer or personal injury legal associate can take over your case and file for divorce as your advocate. However, just as you wouldn't want a pediatrician handling your heart surgery, you certainly don't want an entertainment law attorney handling your child custody agreement. Instead, even when you're still in the decision making process, it's wise to consult with new hampshire divorce lawyers to gain information on how you should proceed.

If you're speaking with a lawyer before you've fully made up your mind about a divorce, you may be wondering just how confidential the meeting is. Be reassured all of the communications between yourself and the divorce lawyer are protected and your right to privacy is complete, and you have no worry of a spouse discovering your intentions before you're ready to reveal them.

What happens at your first meeting depends upon what stage you're experiencing when you meet up. For example, if you're just considering the option of divorce, your meeting will be far different than the emergency meeting of someone whose spouse is draining their bank account and immediate action needs to be taken. As a rule, when you attend your first meeting, you'll have a multitude of general questions about the possibility of filing for divorce or a recently filed plan. Most divorce lawyers in nh will then go over the assorted ways a divorce can be handled such as through collaborative law, mediation or litigation, giving the pros and cons of each.

At your meeting, be prepared to tell your whole story, answering many questions about personal issues. Remember the attorney cannot be everything to you, but may, in fact, work with other colleagues who are better versed in tax laws, for example. Don't be surprised if they also refer you to a psychologist or counselor for help with the emotional toil a divorce can take on a person and their children.

As you conclude your first consultation, it's possible you will have a good bit of homework to complete. The lawyer needs to have a complete picture of your finances, including assets, liabilities and recurring expenses. While only one of you may be in charge of finances, before the divorce is complete, both of the couple should have a complete understanding of all the income, assets and debts. Naturally, the more details you can provide to your attorney at the initial meeting, the more productive the meeting will be.

To discuss your details with an experienced attorney, contact Upton Hatfield, a local attorney with a divorce team ready to help.